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Balance Results

We have finally finished balancing (most) of the abilities. This information can be found at the bottom of this post.

Other updates:

Airshield can now block abilities such as Torrent, Whip and Combustion

New Tremorsense Feature :O (experimental) we are not yet sure if we will keep this feature. This feature is unlocked at level Titan Earthbending. (tap shift to toggle)

PLEASE KNOW! we will continue making balance updates in the future.

All abilities with their configured properties

Air: Passive: Factor: 0.3 AirAgility: Enabled: true JumpPower: 3 SpeedPower: 2 AirSaturation: Enabled: true GracefulDescent: Enabled: true AirBlade: Enabled: true Cooldown: 3000 Range: 30.0 Damage: 4.0 EntityCollisionRadius: 1.0 AbilityCollisionRadius: 1.0 Collisions: FireBlast: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: true RemoveSecond: true FireBlastCharged: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: true RemoveSecond: false AirBreath: Enabled: true Cooldown: 5500 Duration: 3000 Particles: 3 AffectBlocks: Lava: true Fire: true ExtinguishEntities: true Damage: Enabled: false Player: 1.0 Mob: 2.0 Knockback: 0.8 Range: 10 LaunchPower: 0.5 RegenTargetOxygen: true Avatar: Enabled: true Range: 20 Knockback: 3.5 AirGlide: Enabled: true Speed: 0.5 FallSpeed: 0.1 Particles: 4 AllowAirSpout: false Cooldown: 0 Duration: 0 RequireGround: false AirPunch: Enabled: true Cooldown: 3000 Threshold: 1000 Shots: 10 Range: 30 Damage: 1.5 EntityCollisionRadius: 1.0 AbilityCollisionRadius: 1.0 Collisions: FireBlast: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: true RemoveSecond: false FireBlastCharged: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: true RemoveSecond: false AirBlade: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: true RemoveSecond: false Meditate: Enabled: true LossFocusMessage: true ChargeTime: 5000 Cooldown: 60000 BoostDuration: 20000 ParticleDensity: 5 AbsorptionBoost: 2 SpeedBoost: 3 JumpBoost: 3 SonicBlast: Enabled: true ChargeTime: 2000 Damage: 4.0 Effects: BlindnessDuration: 5000 NauseaDuration: 5000 Cooldown: 6000 EntityCollisionRadius: 1.3 AbilityCollisionRadius: 1.3 Range: 20 ChargeSwapping: true AirCombo: AirSlam: Enabled: true Cooldown: 8000 Power: 2.0 Range: 8 SwiftStream: Enabled: true DragFactor: 1.5 Duration: 2000 Cooldown: 6000 AirSlash: Cooldown: 4000 Range: 80 Damage: 3.0 Controllable: true AirBlast: Enabled: true Speed: 25 Range: 40 Radius: 2 SelectRange: 10 SelectParticles: 2 Particles: 4 Cooldown: 2000 Push: Self: 1.0 Entities: 2.4 CanFlickLevers: true CanOpenDoors: true CanPressButtons: true CanCoolLava: true AirBurst: Enabled: true FallThreshold: 10 PushFactor: 1.5 ChargeTime: 2500 Damage: 0 Cooldown: 4000 SneakParticles: 1 ParticlePercentage: 1 AnglePhi: 10 AngleTheta: 10 AirScooter: Enabled: true Speed: 0.675 Interval: 100 Radius: 1 Cooldown: 4500 Duration: 8000 MaxHeightFromGround: 7 AirShield: Enabled: true Cooldown: 15000 Duration: 7000 Radius: 4 Streams: 5 Speed: 10 Particles: 2 AirSpout: Enabled: true Cooldown: 0 Duration: 0 Height: 16 Interval: 200 AirSuction: Enabled: true Speed: 25 Range: 30 SelectRange: 10 Radius: 2 Push: 2.5 Cooldown: 4000 Particles: 3 SelectParticles: 3 AirSwipe: Enabled: true Damage: 3.0 Range: 20 Radius: 2 Push: 0.5 Arc: 12 Speed: 25 Cooldown: 1500 ChargeFactor: 1.5 MaxChargeTime: 2000 Particles: 2 StepSize: 4 Flight: Enabled: true Cooldown: 12000 BaseSpeed: 1.0 Duration: 10000 HoverEnabled: true Speed: 1 MaxHits: 4 MaxDuration: 10000 Suffocate: Enabled: true ChargeTime: 500 Cooldown: 5500 Range: 20 Damage: 2 DamageInitialDelay: 2 DamageInterval: 1 SlowPotency: 1 SlowDelay: 0.5 SlowInterval: 1.25 BlindPotentcy: 30 BlindDelay: 2 BlindInterval: 1.5 CanBeUsedOnUndeadMobs: true RequireConstantAim: true RequireConstantAimRadius: 5 AnimationRadius: 2.0 AnimationParticleAmount: 1 AnimationSpeed: 1.0 Tornado: Enabled: true Cooldown: 3000 Duration: 0 Radius: 10 Height: 20 Range: 25 Speed: 1 NpcPushFactor: 1 PlayerPushFactor: 1 Twister: Enabled: true Speed: 0.4 Range: 16 Height: 8 Radius: 3.5 RemoveDelay: 1500 Cooldown: 10000 DegreesPerParticle: 7 HeightPerParticle: 1.25 AirStream: Enabled: true Speed: 0.5 Range: 50 EntityDuration: 4000 EntityHeight: 14 Cooldown: 7000 AirSweep: Enabled: true Speed: 1.4 Range: 14 Damage: 2 Knockback: 3.5 Cooldown: 4000 Water: Passive: FastSwim: Enabled: true Cooldown: 0 Duration: 0 SpeedFactor: 0.7 Hydrosink: Enabled: true HealingWaters: Enabled: true Cooldown: 20000 Range: 5 Interval: 500 ChargeTime: 500 Power: 4 HealingDuration: 70 Duration: 8000 EnableParticles: true IceBlast: Enabled: true Damage: 4 Range: 35 DeflectRange: 3 CollisionRadius: 2 Interval: 20 Cooldown: 700 IceSpike: Enabled: true Cooldown: 1000 Damage: 4 Range: 20 Push: 0.7 Height: 6 Speed: 25 SlowCooldown: 5000 SlowPower: 2 SlowDuration: 2000 Field: Damage: 2 Radius: 6 Push: 1 Cooldown: 2000 Blast: Range: 25 Damage: 4 CollisionRadius: 2 DeflectRange: 3 Cooldown: 1000 SlowCooldown: 5000 SlowPower: 2 SlowDuration: 200 Interval: 20 OctopusForm: Enabled: true Range: 10 AttackRange: 2.5 Radius: 3 Damage: 2 Knockback: 1.75 FormDelay: 40 Cooldown: 0 Duration: 0 UsageCooldown: 0 AngleIncrement: 45 PhaseChange: Enabled: true SourceRange: 7 Freeze: Cooldown: 500 Radius: 3 Depth: 1 ControlRadius: 25 Melt: Cooldown: 2000 Speed: 8.0 Radius: 7 AllowFlow: true Surge: Enabled: true Wave: Radius: 1.5 Range: 20 SelectRange: 12 HorizontalPush: 1 VerticalPush: 0.2 MaxFreezeRadius: 7 Cooldown: 500 Interval: 30 IceRevertTime: 60000 Wall: Range: 4 Radius: 1 Cooldown: 6000 Duration: 15000 Interval: 30 Torrent: Enabled: true Range: 40 SelectRange: 16 InitialDamage: 4.5 DeflectDamage: 1 SuccessiveDamage: 1 MaxLayer: 3 MaxHits: 1 Push: 1 Angle: 20 Radius: 3 MaxUpwardForce: 0.4 Interval: 30 Cooldown: 5000 Revert: true RevertTime: 6000 Wave: Radius: 10 Knockback: 1.5 Height: 0 GrowSpeed: 1 Interval: 30 Cooldown: 10000 Plantbending: RegrowTime: 18000 WaterArms: Enabled: true Arms: InitialLength: 4 SourceGrabRange: 12 MaxAttacks: 15 MaxAlternateUsage: 50 MaxIceShots: 15 Cooldown: 20000 AllowPlantSource: false Lightning: Enabled: true Damage: 10.0 KillUser: false Cooldowns: UsageCooldown: 200 UsageCooldownEnabled: false Whip: MaxLength: 12 MaxLengthWeak: 8 NightAugments: MaxLength: Normal: 16 FullMoon: 20 Pull: Multiplier: 0.15 Punch: PunchDamage: 1.5 MaxLength: 6 NightAugments: MaxLength: Normal: 11 FullMoon: 13 Grapple: RespectRegions: false Grab: HoldTime: 3500 Freeze: Range: 30 Damage: 2 Spear: Range: 30 Damage: 10 DamageEnabled: true Sphere: 2 Duration: 4500 Length: 25 NightAugments: Range: Normal: 45 FullMoon: 60 Sphere: Normal: 3 FullMoon: 6 Duration: Normal: 7000 FullMoon: 12000 Bloodbending: Enabled: true NightOnly: false FullMoonOnly: false UndeadMobs: true IgnoreWalls: false RequireBound: false Distance: 6 HoldTime: 10000 Cooldown: 4000 BloodPuppet: Enabled: true NightOnly: false FullMoonOnly: false UndeadMobs: true IgnoreWalls: false RequireBound: false Distance: 6 HoldTime: 10000 Cooldown: 4000 Drain: Enabled: true RegenDelay: 15000 Duration: 2000 Cooldown: 2000 AbsorbSpeed: 0.1 AbsorbChance: 20 AbsorbRate: 6 Radius: 6 HoldRange: 2 AllowRainSource: true BlastsEnabled: true KeepSource: false BlastSpeed: 1 BlastDamage: 1.5 BlastRange: 20 MaxBlasts: 4 DrainTempBlocks: true FrostBreath: Enabled: true Cooldown: 10000 Duration: 4000 Particles: 3 FrostDuration: 4000 Range: 10 Snow: true SnowDuration: 5000 BendableSnow: false Damage: Enabled: false Player: 1.0 Mob: 2.0 Slow: Enabled: true Duration: 8000 RestrictBiomes: true IceClaws: Enabled: true Cooldown: 1000 ChargeTime: 1500 SlowDuration: 5000 Damage: 5.0 Range: 20 Throwable: true IceWall: Enabled: true Cooldown: 1500 Width: 6 MaxHeight: 5 MinHeight: 3 MaxWallHealth: 10 MinWallHealth: 8 Range: 8 Damage: 5.0 CanBreak: true Stackable: false LifeTime: Enabled: true Duration: 10000 WallDamage: Torrent: 20 TorrentFreeze: 9 IceBlast: 8 Fireblast: 3 FireblastCharged: 5 Lightning: 12 Combustion: 12 EarthSmash: 8 AirBlast: 2 WakeFishing: Enabled: true Cooldown: 10000 Duration: 20000 Range: 5 WaterCombo: Maelstrom: Enabled: true Cooldown: 25000 Duration: 15000 MaxDepth: 5 Range: 10 WaterFlow: Enabled: true Cooldown: 8000 Duration: 30000 MeltDelay: 15000 SourceRange: 20 MaxRange: 40 MinRange: 8 Trail: 100 BottleSource: false PlantSource: false RemoveOnAnyDamage: false Size: Normal: 1 AvatarState: 1 FullmoonSmall: 2 FullmoonLarge: 2 IsAvatarStateToggle: true AvatarStateDuration: 60000 PlayerStayNearSource: true MaxDistanceFromSource: 100 FullMoon: Enabled: true Modifier: Cooldown: 3 Duration: 2 PlayerRideOwnFlow: false WaterGimbal: Enabled: true Cooldown: 7000 Damage: 4.0 RingSize: 3.5 Range: 40 SourceRange: 10 Speed: 2 AnimationSpeed: 3 PlantSource: true RequireAdjacentPlants: false BottleSource: false AbilityCollisionRadius: 1.6 EntityCollisionRadius: 1.6 Collisions: FireShield: Enabled: false RemoveFirst: true RemoveSecond: false WaterBubble: Enabled: true Cooldown: Shift: 0 Click: 0 Radius: 4.0 Speed: 0.5 ClickDuration: 4000 MustStartAboveWater: false WaterManipulation: Enabled: true Damage: 4.0 Range: 30 SelectRange: 16 CollisionRadius: 2 DeflectRange: 3 Speed: 50 Push: 0.4 Cooldown: 1000 WaterSpout: Enabled: true Cooldown: 0 Duration: 0 Height: 10 Interval: 200 BlockSpiral: true Particles: true Wave: Particles: false Enabled: true AllowPlantSource: true Radius: 3.8 WaveRadius: 1 SelectRange: 6 AnimationSpeed: 1.2 ChargeTime: 500 FlightTime: 8000 Speed: 1.3 Cooldown: 6000 IceWave: Enabled: true Damage: 3 Cooldown: 6000 ThawRadius: 10 RevertSphere: true RevertSphereTime: 30000 IceBullet: Enabled: true Damage: 2 Radius: 2.5 Range: 25 MaxShots: 30 AnimationSpeed: 1 ShootTime: 10000 Cooldown: 10000 Earth: Passive: Duration: 2500 DensityShift: Enabled: true FerroControl: Enabled: true EarthArmor: Enabled: true Resistance: Strength: 2 Duration: 4000 UseIronArmor: false EarthKick: Enabled: true Cooldown: 3000 EarthBlocks: 10 Damage: 4.0 EntityCollisionRadius: 1.5 AbilityCollisionRadius: 1.5 Collisions: FireBlast: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: false RemoveSecond: true EarthBlast: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: false RemoveSecond: true WaterManipulation: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: false RemoveSecond: true AirSwipe: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: false RemoveSecond: true Combustion: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: false RemoveSecond: true WaterSpout: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: false RemoveSecond: true AirSpout: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: false RemoveSecond: true AirWheel: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: false RemoveSecond: true EarthLine: Enabled: true Cooldown: 1500 Range: 30 PrepareRange: 7 AffectingRadius: 2 Damage: 5.0 EarthPillar: Enabled: true Height: 6 Range: 10 EarthShard: Enabled: true Cooldown: 2500 Damage: Normal: 4 Metal: 5 PrepareRange: 5 AbilityRange: 30 MaxShards: 3 AbilityCollisionRadius: 2.0 EntityCollisionRadius: 1.4 EarthSurf: Enabled: true Cooldown: Cooldown: 3000 MinimumCooldown: 2000 Scaled: true Enabled: false Duration: Duration: 7000 Enabled: false RelaxedCollisions: true RemoveOnAnyDamage: false Speed: 0.55 HeightTolerance: 3 SpringStiffness: 0.35 Fissure: Enabled: true Cooldown: 20000 Duration: 15000 MaxWidth: 3 SlapRange: 12 SlapDelay: 50 LavaDisc: Enabled: true Cooldown: 7000 Duration: 1000 Damage: 4.0 Particles: 3 ContinueAfterEntityHit: false RecallLimit: 3 Destroy: RegenTime: 5000 BlockDamage: true AdditionalMeltableBlocks: - COBBLESTONE - LOG - LOG_2 LavaTrail: true TrailFlow: false Source: RegenTime: 10000 LavaOnly: false Range: 4.0 LavaFlux: Enabled: true Range: 12 Cooldown: 8000 Duration: 4000 Cleanup: 1000 Damage: 1.0 Speed: 1 Wave: true LavaThrow: Enabled: true Cooldown: 7000 MaxShots: 6 Range: 20 Damage: 1.0 SourceGrabRange: 4 SourceRegenDelay: 10000 FireTicks: 80 MagnetShield: Enabled: true MetalFragments: Enabled: true Cooldown: 5000 MaxSources: 3 SourceRange: 5 MaxFragments: 10 Damage: 4.0 MetalHook: Enabled: true Cooldown: 3000 Range: 30 MaxHooks: 3 TotalHooks: 0 RequireItems: true MetalShred: Enabled: true SourceRange: 5 ExtendTick: 80 Damage: 6.0 MudSurge: Enabled: true direction. Cooldown: 4000 Damage: 5.0 Waves: 5 SourceRange: 7 BlindChance: 10 WetSourceOnly: true WaterSearchRadius: 5 BlindTicks: 60 CollisionRadius: 2.0 MultipleHits: true AllowFallDamage: false RemovalPolicy: SwappedSlots: Enabled: true OutOfRange: Enabled: true Range: 25.0 SandBlast: Enabled: true sand!' Cooldown: 1000 Damage: 4.0 SourceRange: 8 Range: 30 MaxSandBlocks: 10 EarthCombo: Crevice: Enabled: true Range: 50 RevertDelay: 7500 Depth: 5 AvatarStateDepth: 8 Cooldown: 10000 MagmaBlast: Enabled: true MaxShots: 3 ImpactDamage: 2.0 SearchRange: 4 Cooldown: 6000 ShotCooldown: 1500 RequireLavaFlow: false PlayerCollisions: true EntitySelection: true SelectRange: 30.0 ExplosionRadius: 2.0 FireSpeed: 1.5 MaxDuration: 15000 MaxDistanceFromSources: 15 Catapult: Enabled: true Cooldown: 7000 StageTimeMult: 2.0 Angle: 45 CancelWithAngle: false Collapse: Enabled: true SelectRange: 20 Radius: 7 Speed: 8 Column: Height: 6 Cooldown: 500 Wall: Height: 6 Cooldown: 500 EarthArmor: Enabled: true SelectRange: 10 GoldHearts: 4 Cooldown: 20000 MaxDuration: 17500 EarthBlast: Enabled: true CanHitSelf: false SelectRange: 8 Range: 30 Speed: 40 Revert: true Damage: 6 Push: 0.3 Cooldown: 700 DeflectRange: 3 CollisionRadius: 2 EarthWave: Cooldown: 4000 TravelDistance: 20.0 EarthDome: Enabled: true Cooldown: 10000 Radius: 2 Range: 14 Height: 3 EarthGrab: Enabled: true SelectRange: 20 DragSpeed: 0.8 Cooldown: 2000 Range: 14 TrapHitInterval: 400 TrapHP: 3 DamageThreshold: 4 Height: 4 Radius: 4 EarthTunnel: Enabled: true Cooldown: 0 MaxRadius: 1 Range: 10 Radius: 0.25 Revert: true DropLootIfNotRevert: false Interval: 30 Extraction: Enabled: true SelectRange: 5 Cooldown: 500 TripleLootChance: 10 DoubleLootChance: 30 LavaFlow: Enabled: true ShiftCooldown: 20000 ClickLavaCooldown: 10000 ClickLandCooldown: 500 ShiftCleanupDelay: 10000 ClickLavaCleanupDelay: 7000 ClickLandCleanupDelay: 20000 ClickRange: 10.0 ShiftRadius: 7.0 ShiftPlatformRadius: 1.5 ClickRadius: 5.0 ClickLavaCreateSpeed: 0.045 ClickLandCreateSpeed: 0.1 ShiftFlowSpeed: 0.01 ShiftRemoveSpeed: 3.0 ClickLavaStartDelay: 1500 ClickLandStartDelay: 0 UpwardFlow: 2 DownwardFlow: 4 AllowNaturalFlow: false ParticleDensity: 0.11 RevertMaterial: STONE EarthSmash: Enabled: true AllowGrab: true AllowFlight: true GrabRange: 16 SelectRange: 12 ChargeTime: 1500 Cooldown: 5000 ShootRange: 30 Damage: 10 Knockback: 3.5 Knockup: 0.15 FlightSpeed: 0.72 FlightTimer: 6000 RemoveTimer: 30000 RequiredBendableBlocks: 11 MaxBlocksToPassThrough: 3 ShootAnimationInterval: 25 FlightAnimationInterval: 0 LiftAnimationInterval: 30 GrabDetectionRadius: 2.5 FlightDetectionRadius: 3.5 MetalClips: Enabled: true Damage: 1 CrushDamage: 1 Range: 10 MagnetRange: 20 MagnetPower: 0.6 Cooldown: 10000 CrushCooldown: 100 MagnetCooldown: 1000 Duration: 4000 ThrowEnabled: true RaiseEarth: Enabled: true Speed: 10 Column: SelectRange: 10 Height: 5 Cooldown: 1000 Wall: SelectRange: 20 Height: 2 Width: 3 Cooldown: 1000 Shockwave: Enabled: true FallThreshold: 12 ChargeTime: 2500 Cooldown: 16000 Damage: 8 Knockback: 1.1 Range: 8 Angle: 30 Tremorsense: Enabled: true MaxDepth: 10 Radius: 5 LightThreshold: 7 Cooldown: 1000 StickyRange: 3 EarthPillars: Enabled: true Cooldown: 8000 Radius: 9 Power: 1.2 Damage: Enabled: true Value: 2 FallThreshold: 12 Fire: Combustion: Enabled: true Damage: 8.0 FireTick: 100 MisfireModifier: -1 Power: 3 Range: 100 Warmup: 2500 Cooldown: 5000 RegenTime: 10000 EntityCollisionRadius: 1.3 AbilityCollisionRadius: 1.3 DamageBlocks: true RegenBlocks: true WaitForRegen: true InstantExplodeIfHit: true ExplodeOnDeath: true RemovalPolicy: SwappedSlots: Enabled: false Discharge: Enabled: true Damage: 4.0 Cooldown: 1000 Duration: 1000 SlotSwapping: false EntityCollisionRadius: 1.0 AbilityCollisionRadius: 1.0 FireBall: Enabled: true Cooldown: 3000 Range: 50 Damage: 3.0 FireDuration: 2000 Controllable: false FireTrail: true CollisionRadius: 1.1 Collisions: FireShield: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: true RemoveSecond: false AirShield: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: false RemoveSecond: false Reflect: true FireBreath: Enabled: true Cooldown: 5000 Duration: 3000 Particles: 3 Damage: Player: 1.0 Mob: 2.0 FireDuration: 3000 Range: 10 Avatar: FireEnabled: true Melt: Enabled: true Chance: 3 RainbowBreath: Enabled: true FireComet: Enabled: true Cooldown: 45000 ChargeUp: 7000 Damage: 6.0 BlastRadius: 3.0 SozinsComet: Cooldown: 30000 ChargeUp: 5000 Damage: 12.0 BlastRadius: 5.0 Range: 50 RegenDelay: 15000 SozinsCometOnly: true AvatarStateBypassComet: true FirePunch: Enabled: true Cooldown: 4000 FireTicks: 2000 Damage: 2.0 FireShots: Enabled: true Cooldown: 9000 Range: 50 FireBalls: 10 FireDuration: 3000 Damage: 2.0 CollisionRadius: 0.9 Collisions: FireShield: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: true RemoveSecond: false AirShield: Enabled: true RemoveFirst: false RemoveSecond: false Reflect: true FireSki: Enabled: true Cooldown: 6000 Duration: 6000 Speed: 0.7 IgniteEntities: true FireTicks: 60 RequiredHeight: 0.7 PunchActivated: false LightningBurst: Enabled: true too close' Cooldown: 25000 ChargeUp: 4000 Radius: 12 Damage: 10.0 Blaze: Enabled: true Arc: 14 Range: 7 Speed: 15 Cooldown: 1000 Ring: Range: 4 Angle: 10 Cooldown: 1000 FireBlast: Enabled: true Speed: 20 Range: 35 CollisionRadius: 2 Push: 0.6 Damage: 4 Cooldown: 1500 Dissipate: false FireTicks: 5 SmokeParticleRadius: 0.1 FlameParticleRadius: 0.05 Charged: ChargeTime: 3500 CollisionRadius: 4 Damage: 10 DamageRadius: 6 DamageBlocks: true ExplosionRadius: 2 Range: 30 FireTicks: 10 FireBurst: Enabled: true Damage: 8 Ignite: false ChargeTime: 4000 Cooldown: 35000 Range: 15 AnglePhi: 10 AngleTheta: 10 ParticlesPercentage: 1 FireJet: Enabled: true Speed: 1 Duration: 8000 Cooldown: 12000 FireManipulation: Enabled: true Stream: Cooldown: 12000 Range: 50 Damage: 8.5 Speed: 4.0 Particles: 1 Shield: Cooldown: 6000 Range: 4 Damage: 3 MaxDuration: 6000 Particles: 1 FireShield: Enabled: true Shield: Radius: 3 Duration: 0 Cooldown: 0 Disc: Radius: 1.5 Duration: 1000 Cooldown: 500 Interval: 200 FireTicks: 10 Radius: 4 DiscRadius: 2 Duration: 5000 Cooldown: 6000 HeatControl: Enabled: true Cook: Interval: 1000 Extinguish: Cooldown: 5000 Radius: 6 Melt: Range: 15 Radius: 5 Solidify: MaxRadius: 10 Range: 7 Revert: true RevertTime: 25000 Illumination: Enabled: true Passive: true Range: 5 Cooldown: 500 LightThreshold: 6 Lightning: Enabled: true Damage: 9.0 Range: 30.0 ChargeTime: 4500 Cooldown: 14000 StunChance: 0.5 StunDuration: 50.0 MaxArcAngle: 30 SubArcChance: 0.00125 ChainArcRange: 6.0 ChainArcChance: 0.5 MaxChainArcs: 2 WaterArcs: 5 WaterArcRange: 20.0 SelfHitWater: true SelfHitClose: false ArcOnIce: false WallOfFire: Enabled: true Range: 3 Height: 4 Width: 4 Duration: 5000 Damage: 1 Cooldown: 11000 Interval: 250 DamageInterval: 500 FireTicks: 0 MaxAngle: 50 FireKick: Enabled: true Range: 10 Damage: 4.0 Cooldown: 8000 Speed: 1 FireSpin: Enabled: true Range: 7 Damage: 3.0 Knockback: 3.0 Cooldown: 14000 Speed: 0.3 FireWheel: Enabled: true Range: 30 Damage: 4.0 Speed: 1.0 Cooldown: 8000 FireTicks: 2.5 Height: 2 Radius: 2 JetBlast: Enabled: true Speed: 1.2 Cooldown: 6000 Duration: 5000 JetBlaze: Enabled: true Speed: 1.1 Damage: 4 Cooldown: 6000 FireTicks: 2.5 Duration: 5000 Chi: Passive: Acrobatics: Enabled: true FallReductionFactor: 0.5 FallReductionFactor: 0.5 ChiAgility: Enabled: true JumpPower: 0 SpeedPower: 0 ChiSaturation: Enabled: true ExhaustionFactor: 0.3 BlockChi: Chance: 25 Duration: 3500 Immobilize: Enabled: true ParalyzeDuration: 3500 Cooldown: 15000 AcrobatStance: Enabled: true Cooldown: 0 ChiBlockBoost: 3 Speed: 1 Jump: 1 HighJump: Enabled: true Height: 1.3 Cooldown: 3000 Paralyze: Enabled: true Cooldown: 10000 Duration: 2000 RapidPunch: Enabled: true Damage: 2 Cooldown: 6000 Punches: 3 Interval: 500 Distance: 3 Smokescreen: Enabled: true Cooldown: 25000 Radius: 4 Duration: 12 WarriorStance: Enabled: true Cooldown: 0 Strength: 2 Resistance: -1 QuickStrike: Enabled: true Damage: 3 Cooldown: 3000 ChiBlockChance: 20 SwiftKick: Enabled: true Damage: 3 ChiBlockChance: 25 Cooldown: 4000

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